Chapters tackle a complex and cross-cutting issue from inter- and multi-disciplinary perspectives, incorporating political science, history, law and public health into their analyses. Emphasizing connections between the domestic and the international, this timely Research Handbook illustrates the intersections between drug policy, human rights obligations and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Integrating detailed discussion of ever-evolving drug markets, a diverse range of policy responses, and political and ideological tensions, the contributors offer an insightful analysis of the regional dynamics of drug control, its historic constructions, and the contemporary and emerging problems it is facing.
Aimed at researchers and students interested in drug policy, as well as policy-makers and practitioners at different levels of governance, the Research Handbook on International Drug Policy provides a much-needed comparative approach and will prove to be an essential resource for navigating the difficulties surrounding drug policy and control.
Pre-order the handbook here.
Relevant section and chapter that CDPE members Dr. Dan Werb, Nazlee Maghsoudi and Justine Tanguay contributed to:
18 The search for new drug policy metrics 325
Nazlee Maghsoudi, Justine Tanguay and Dan Werb